Accepting credit cards is an essential part of doing business. The trick is to get the lowest credit card processing rate possible and make it as easy as possible for the customer to pay. Here are three ways to save money and get paid faster with Sage 100cloud integrated payments:
- Automated, Level 3 credit card processing: APS Payments uses the data in Sage 100cloud to automatically reduce credit card processing rates by sending the additional data required with your transaction.
- 1 in 5 American-based, B2B companies process some or all of their transactions using Level 3 data.
- The average small B2B company saves $18,000 per year on merchant account fees with Level 3 processing.
- Get Paid Faster with ClickToPay: Customers click a "Pay here" button available on the Sage 100cloud invoice, set-up in Library Master, company maintenance. Opt-in or opt-out by customer.
- Pay multiple invoices at one time (coming soon).
- Free credit card processing integration.
- Automatically upload payments through cash receipts with the click of a button.
APS Payments offers integrated Sage 100cloud Level 3 credit card processing. Our Sage 100 PCI-compliant security solutions feature point-to-point encryption (P2PE), tokenization, and our APSPAYS Vault, eliminating card data that typically would be stored on a local server. We also walk our merchants through the PCI Compliance Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ), eliminating the Non-PCI Compliance Fee most merchants pay every month.
Please watch our recorded demonstration:
Use APS Payments to benefit from streamlined Sage 100cloud credit card processing features:
- Convenient 24-hour access to payment processing and reporting
- Automated recurring billing
- Improved cash flow
- Fraud detection and prevention (volume thresholds, risk parameters)
- Reduce invoicing costs
- No additional licensing fees
- Virtual Terminals (no integration needed, no software to install, simply use your web browser to securely log in to process transactions)
- Credit card tokenization for secure access to future customer transactions
- Real-time Payment Gateway
- Level 3 supported gateway for US accounts, (significant savings for business to government or business to business transactions)
- Batch processing when real time approvals are not required
- PCI-DSS compliance assistance at no additional cost
- Some of the lowest American Express fees in the entire industry!
- Next Day Funding including American Express making reconciliation process easier
- APS ClickToPay integrated invoice portal allowing customers to pay invoices online via the click of a button