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APS Payments is a Guest Speaker on TJ Gamble’s eCommerceAholic Livestream

Jun 27, 2019 12:11:30 PM

Coming soon to a screen near you: watch the live stream on B2C and B2B eCommerce payments with Jeff Kohl from APS Payments this Friday, June 28th at 3pm EST

Jamerson Livestream - Join us Friday at 3pm EST

Opening an eCommerce business or online store is exciting; even more exciting is accepting the very first payment. The world of eCommerce credit card processing can be difficult for new merchants to navigate and even eCommerce experts can use a refresher on the best payment processing for their needs. 

Luckily, expert eCommerce advice with TJ Gamble just got even better! Coming up later this week, the eCommerceaholic himself and master of how to “get more from your eCommerce store” will be cohosting a livestream on ecommerce website payment options, best practices, and the best online payment methods for businesses of all sizes. 

“Learn the Ins and Outs of eCommerce Payment Solutions”

June 28, 2019 at 3pm EST


I’m in. What is it? 
“We’re diving into the world of B2C and B2B eCommerce payments. We are talking to Jeff Kohl, the EVP of Sales at APS Payments, and trust us, if you’ve got a question about payments, he’s got an answer!” 

E stands for “Easy” - Merchant-friendly eCommerce Payment Solutions by APS Payments 

This livestream, hosted by the king of eCommerce, Mr. TJ Gamble, will cover everything you need to know about eCommerce credit card processing, including:

  • The advantages of integrated payment solutions and integrated payment processing
  • Level 3 credit card processing and discounts for b2b transactions that your business may be missing out on
  • Why it is important to ask your merchant services provider about a payment portal and ecommerce payment gateway - and why having an all-in-one online payment solution should be a priority for your business.
  • Integrated payments for Magento payment processing and other ecommerce software into Acumatica, or other ERP business solutions. Save time and money as well reduce manual entry with a fully integrated eCommerce solution.
  • Interchange fees, transaction costs, pci compliance, and much more

Don’t miss out! Save the date and set a reminder to watch this exciting livestream now!

Want to learn more about our credit card processing solution for Magento?  Visit the APS Payments Magento Marketplace listing, or read our recent blog on how Level 3 processing for B2B transactions can provide you savings and security with the APS Payments Magento B2B eCommerce Integrated Payment Processing extension. 

You can also watch this 5 minute video to learn more:

APS Payments is an all-in-one processor that offers flexible and integrated payments solutions for every business.  We are a trusted 100% PCI-DSS compliant solution that processes billions of transactions annually. We work diligently to provide our merchants the lowest credit card processing rates leveraging our industry expertise and help B2B businesses reduce risks.  APS Payments is seamlessly integrated with Magento, WooCommerce, and PrestaShop as well as hundreds of other ERP, eCommerce, and POS applications.  

Ready to dive in to savings? Contact APS Payments today for your FREE merchant statement analysis.  APS Payments will review 2 months of statements and explain in detail the proposed fees with all expected savings. How much of a difference would it make to your bottom line if you lower your merchant processing fees by as much as 1.50%?  Contact APS Payments for a free evaluation today! New Call-to-action

Topics: Events

David Harper
Written by David Harper

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