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Acumatica: PCI Compliant Credit Card Processing

Sep 15, 2017 11:00:00 AM


PCI Compliant Acumatica Credit Card Processing: How to Protect Your Customers From Data Compromise

If you are using Acumatica Cloud ERP and processing credit cards for accounts receivable you are responsible for using a PCI compliant Acumatica credit card processing solution that adheres to the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCIDSS).

Companies who store, process or transmit cardholder data must be PCI compliant.  In order to be PCI compliant, companies must follow 12 basic security requirements as follows:[1]

PCI Compliance Requirements

  1. Install and maintain a working firewall to protect data
  2. Keep security patches-up-to-date
  3. Protect stored data
  4. Encrypt data sent across public networks
  5. Use and regularly update anti-virus software
  6. Restrict access by "need to know"
  7. Assign unique ID to each person with computer access
  8. Create unique passwords and security parameters
  9. Track all access to data by unique ID
  10. Regularly test security systems and processes 
  11. Implement and maintain an information security policy
  12. Restrict physical access to data

APS Payments offers Acumatica customers a PCI compliant integrated credit card processing solution.  Take the worry out of creating and maintaining your own credit card processing system.  Call APS Payments at 888-685-1900 to learn how to cut costs and benefit from the following streamlined Acumatica credit card processing features:

  1. Convenient 24 hour access to payment processing and reporting
  2. Automated recurring billing
  3. Improved cash flow
  4. Fraud detection and prevention (volume thresholds, risk parameters)
  5. Reduce invoicing costs 
  6. No additional licensing fees
  7. Virtual Terminals (no integration needed, no software to install, simply use your web browser to securely log in to process transactions)
  8. Credit card tokenization for secure access to future customer transactions
  9. Real-time Payment Gateway 
  10. Level 3 supported gateway for US accounts, (significant savings for business to government or business to business transactions)
  11. Batch processing when real time approvals are not required 
  12. PCI-DSS compliance assistance at no additional cost
  13. Some of the lowest Amex fees in the entire industry!
  14. Next Day Funding including AMEX making reconciliation process easier
  15. APS ClickToPay integrated invoice portal allowing customers to pay via ACH or credit card online

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Topics: ERP Payments

David Harper
Written by David Harper

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