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Sage 100 is Going EMV

May 16, 2018 1:54:18 PM

emv_terminal-handIf you are a Sage 100 end user, you’ve probably learned that card present transactions aren’t the easiest payments to process through your ERP. For years, USB Swipers have been the only way to process transactions in a card present environment, unless you want to purchase a full-scale point of sale, which can be very costly in the ERP space. USB Swipers do not have the ability to process transactions using the EMV-embedded chips, which have been a standard since 2016 in the USA.

There are several benefits to accepting EMV transactions. EMV terminals encrypt sensitive cardholder information, rather than sending the full track information (card number, expiration date, etc.) to the payment gateway. The other benefit is accepting EMV transactions takes the liability for bank-issued chargebacks out of the merchants’ scope. This helps lower the PCI-scope for the merchant, helping to eliminate potential fraud, and increases security for the merchant, and the cardholder.

So here we are in 2018, and APS is proud to offer Sage 100 end users the ability to accept card-present EMV transactions fully integrated. This new add-on to our existing Sage 100 payments integration will work on Sage 100 versions 2013 and newer (APS continues to provide updated integrations to all new releases of Sage 100). This means you can accept EMV transactions, Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, & Contactless transactions directly through your ERP.

If you have any face-to-face transactions and are using Sage 100, inquire now to learn more about our integration. APS is offering a limited time, free EMV terminal upgrade to Sage 100 end users*.

*To qualify for the free EMV terminal upgrade, merchants must be based in the United States, and sign up for a new merchant account with APS Payments by September 2018.

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Topics: ERP Payments

David Harper
Written by David Harper

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