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4 Tips to Understanding Merchant Statement Fees

4 Tips to Understanding Merchant Statement Fees

Understand how you can reduce merchant statement fees and save money!

Are you getting the best rates with your merchant services provider? How would you know? As a merchant, you have options when it comes to merchant service providers. The cost of processing credit cards can get out of hand if you are not able to keep a close eye on your monthly merchant statement. If you think your monthly credit card processing merchant statements are confusing, you are not alone. It is very possible that your merchant...

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What is Level 3 Credit Card Processing?

What is Level 3 Credit Card Processing?

How can my business benefit from Level 3 processing?  

One common question that our team at REPAY receives from many merchants is, “What is the difference between Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 processing?”

Selecting the right processing level for your business simply requires understanding how much data you are able to provide about your transactions. The more data provided to Mastercard and Visa, the higher the savings. Offering more data results in added security and protection from fraud as well as lower...

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Level 3 Credit Card Processing

Level 3 Credit Card Processing

Business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-government (B2G) purchases are increasingly being made via purchasing, corporate and business cards. The interchange rates for these types of cards traditionally have been some of the highest in the world. With that said, over the past several years, a new program has been created to help stimulate the American economy. Large corporations and government agencies have already began to take advantage of this program, significantly lowering their merchant account...

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