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Balancing the Customer Experience with Risk Mitigation in Lending

Balancing the Customer Experience with Risk Mitigation in Lending

In the highly competitive lending industry, lenders face the dual challenge of ensuring comprehensive risk assessments to safeguard their business while also delivering a seamless, positive experience that keeps customers satisfied and loyal. This delicate give-and-take directly impacts customer retention, regulatory compliance and overall business growth.

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ClickToPay – The Easier Way to Pay in sage intacct

ClickToPay – The Easier Way to Pay in sage intacct

Collecting payments from B2B customers is essential for ensuring consistent cash flow. However, dated and clunky payment experiences can delay these payments and hurt your bottom line. Now available in Sage Intacct, ClickToPay simplifies and speeds up the payment process.

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How the User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) Can Impact Payments

How the User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) Can Impact Payments

Are you an expert in UI/UX design? Maybe not, but as a consumer in today’s digital world, you likely have opinions about the experiences you have with software, apps and other digital assets.

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Expanding AccountMate Capabilities with Vendor Payment Automation

Expanding AccountMate Capabilities with Vendor Payment Automation

How many platforms does your business access during a typical workday? Maintaining separate systems to run your business is inefficient and expensive, and it is prone to manual entry errors, reporting nightmares, and poor vendor experiences.

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ACH Fraud: The Urgent Need for Validating ACH Transactions

ACH Fraud: The Urgent Need for Validating ACH Transactions

Automated Clearing House, better known as ACH, offers an electronic way for consumers and businesses to make payments quickly and easily for goods and services. ACH uses bank routing and account numbers to move money between parties. Have you considered the risks associated with sharing such sensitive account details?

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Can You Spot a Fraudulent Invoice?

Can You Spot a Fraudulent Invoice?

Accounts Payable (AP) teams have increasingly become targets of payment fraud, as they often still rely on paper and manual processes. Invoices are especially easy to infiltrate, given fraudsters' proficiency with image-altering tools. Do you know what to look for to spot a fraudulent invoice?

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Practicing What We Preach-The Case for Vendor Payment Automation

Practicing What We Preach-The Case for Vendor Payment Automation

Businesses are continuously seeking new ways to increase the efficiency of their teams and grow revenue. Accounts payable (AP) teams are often overlooked in this search, but why?

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Adapting to Regulatory Changes in the Payments Industry

Adapting to Regulatory Changes in the Payments Industry

The world of payments is constantly evolving, with new technologies like mobile wallets and real-time transfers emerging all the time. While these innovations offer exciting opportunities for businesses, they're also accompanied by a growing web of regulations designed to protect consumers and ensure security and financial stability. Keeping pace with these payment regulations and adapting your business practices can feel overwhelming, especially for smaller companies with limited resources.

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Fintech’s Role in Cost Reduction for Financial Institutions and Lenders

Fintech’s Role in Cost Reduction for Financial Institutions and Lenders

Fintech, or tech-driven financial services, is reshaping finance globally. This high-tech change affects products, business operations and the overall financial landscape. It introduces fresh ways to collect and use data, craft unique investments and provide innovative services.

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Enhancing Exception Management for More Efficient Mortgage Payments

Enhancing Exception Management for More Efficient Mortgage Payments

In today’s ever-changing world of mortgage finance and servicing, there are many obstacles and challenges each enterprise must overcome to remain competitive and compliant in the marketplace. The foundation and core of mortgage financing is providing the needed funds for borrowers to achieve the American dream of homeownership. Additionally, the most fundamental activity that must occur over the life of the loan is the repayment of the debt. It is essential for servicers to make this process as simple as...

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